Saiterm's main goal is to contribute to prosperity, to improve to meet environmental and inefficiency


Thanks to more than thirty years of experience and creativity of our technical staff, we have managed to dominate as a leader in interior heating technology, as well as in several industrial applications, in particular for finishing and drying. leather cycles, with very effective and innovative results. This is possible thanks to the harmonious and productive cohabitation of completely different attitudes and experiences.

Different but with many similarities as a vision of the future and the desire to face and overcome the challenges that may exist and sometimes even anticipate them, as in the case of spring and moon, which is our core technology, the experience of our team in certain sectors, as well as their energy and innovation capability, allow us to meet the most diverse needs in the best possible way.
In fact, the ideas that apply during the heating phase of our heating products belong to those who are most interested in the comfort of life, energy efficiency and design.

In order to contribute to prosperity, it improves to meet the environment and efficiency. When developing products for the industrial sector, the ideas that apply to Saiterm are responsive to the work, productivity, profitability and safety of employees, while focusing on simplicity and convenience for consumers.

What is Saiterm?
Saiterm will be involved in the production and distribution of heating systems. The development of this system, which will be produced by Saiterm, called SPRING, offers derivatives that use the latest financial and industrial technology to produce and distribute high-end products that are absolutely necessary and meet in the future. energy efficiency and the well-being of people.

Our Destination:
Sample Goals Saiterm's main goal is to contribute to prosperity, to improve to meet environmental and inefficiency.

We strive to develop the latest technology products that are designed to reduce energy consumption and emissions.


The development of this system, produced by Saiterm, is called SPRING.
This platform offers derivatives that use financial and industrial technology to produce and distribute highly demanded products that are very needed and meet future global energy efficiency and human welfare needs. Regarding the state of the art, Saiterm's primary objective is to reduce the installed power and the consumption of heating systems. With the same technological performance that is currently on the market.

The distribution will take place on the international market and will be directed to large builders and retail chains; distribution will also be via our e-commerce store.

Saiterm's spring panels are better than other heating systems in terms of efficiency, comfort and well-being. That's why it's the perfect solution for new buildings, repairs or even increased room comfort.
In fact, there is no comparison with gas, pellet and heat pump systems, or traditional infrared, which only look like SPRING. Traditional systems, such as underfloor heating, which are currently most energy efficient, have an average cost of more than 236% compared to the LOSS. Saiterm system.

The production process will be fully automated to ensure the allocation of the initial 20,000 sheets to take us over the next 5 years, at least 800,000 units per year. This is to overcome only part of the global demand for efficient heating systems.

Suffice it to say that there are 90 square meters of apartments consisting of 5 rooms that need to be installed at least 5 Saiterm Spring units. Considering the economic benefits of purchasing and the very high savings achieved by reducing energy consumption, we can look at 800,000 panels of a truly conservative and limited annual assessment.

In fact, with 800,000 panels divided into 5 rooms, only 160,000 apartments in the world can be stacked. Direct investments in this project will be made through the purchase of the selected Saiterm Spring, which will guarantee the independence of multinational companies in this sector, large companies and banks. The financial instrument used for placing on the market is Saherex Coin of Ethereum Blockchain.

Signs of SAIEX can be used to buy current products from Symeter as well as to purchase innovative products that Symeter will bring to market in 2019. The products we will introduce in 2019 are related to air conditioning, video surveillance and audio diffusion. , applied to both the housing / civilian sector and specific commercial and industrial activities.
Therefore, it will always be possible to purchase the current and future Saiterm products with SAIEX signs as well as any other thermo-technical, software and / or system management applications offered by Saiterm. Sietherm is irrevocably committed to selling his products on the list, to the 1SAIEX Token = 1 USD valuation until the day that SAIEX TOKEN will go to the stock exchange.

Name Label Name: SAIEX Token 
Total SAIEX Signature Delivery: 100,000,000 
Decimal Marks: 18 
Reserved for ICO: 50,000,000 
Soft Cap / Purpose: 1M USD 
Hardcover: 50M USD Marking 
: EIP / ERC- 20 
Mintable: no (can not create more characters) 
Burnable: yes (unsold character will be saved)

Property holders will before long have the capacity to cut their power charges utilizing achievement infrared warming innovation by Saiterm. Situated in Amsterdam, our innovation organization structures warming items with long haul objectives to diminish residential vitality utilization and carbon emanations.

Author thewoyo10
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=2346772

ETH : 0xBf48642AEd041fD1E800C52d51246ca0227b3426

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