HighBank allows ICO to select the best talents to hire on their platform and develop


HighBank provides a reliable and scalable cryptographic solution for all crypto enthusiasts.

Our mission is to create a universal platform providing a complete blockchain experience to any developer or crypto trader.

The most important components of our eco-system are: the ICO platform for listing, the ICO Launch and Crowdfunding platform, the decentralized crypto exchange, and the Online & Offline community #HighBank

ICO Listing Platform
Since business models for ICO are completely different from traditional crowdfunding campaigns, it is important to create special crowdfunding platforms. This not only allows users to connect their ICO to a specialized platform with a targeted audience, but also increases the amount of investment.

Our procedure is quite simple. First, when you send us a request to compile an ICO list, our algorithm runs a “data check” to determine the authenticity and future prospects of your project. Taking into account the above points, if you meet the requirements, we will send a request for a manual check (conducted by our experts). This is exactly what the High-Bank crowdfunding platform for ICO offers to its users, allowing them to transfer enterprises or make investments both for the short and for the long term.

HighBank has made this process incredibly simple and reliable as we scan all the ICOs listed on our platform.

ICO Launch and Crowd Funding Platform
HighBank allows ICO to select the best talents to hire on their platform and develop them with their tokens through crowdfunding.

Since business models for ICO are completely different from traditional crowdfunding campaigns, it is important to create special crowdfunding platforms. This not only allows users to connect their ICO to a specialized platform with a targeted audience, but also increases the amount of investment. This is because if an investor visits such a site, his goal is clear - he wants to invest in cryptocans! This is exactly what the High-Bank crowdfunding platform for ICO offers to its users, allowing them to transfer enterprises or make investments both for the short and for the long term.
Features of our crowdfunding platform ICO
Must be fully functional, responsive and professionally designed site.
Detailed information about the founding members and the management team should be made available to the general public.
Every novice ICO should have a well-organized roadmap.
It should be clear to the prospects that their investments will be safe, and there are effective and sufficient measures to ensure that the wallets do not face offense. In addition, you should also have a substantial plan to mitigate any wallet hacking.
You should not be involved in ANY controversy, online or offline, regardless of whether the Client engages to maximize the number of potential customers.

In fact, to make the process smooth for you, we have our own cryptocurrency exchange, which you can use to exchange tokens. We show almost all popular pairs of tokens, so this should not be a problem for you. Just click the button on the toolbar and you will be redirected to the exchange section.

Decentralized cryptoexchange
In addition to the deployment of “another crypto exchange”, we have implemented an extensive level of decentralization: we always guarantee that the HighBank main network works seamlessly with other networks. To achieve this, we will use Polkadot. It is designed to ensure that applications and intelligent contracts in one block chain can transfer data and assets in other chains. Polkadot consists of a variety of parachutes with potentially different characteristics that can simplify the achievement of anonymity or formally validate transactions that can be chained, allowing hundreds of them to be processed simultaneously. To connect independent circuits, specialized parachutes can be created, called bridges, and the relay chain is used to achieve consensus between two different networks.

When exchanging it is important to have effective ideas. Therefore, we offer you a variety of technical trading indicators (for example, different charts and buttons are displayed in different color schemes). In addition, we also show multi-color graphics to distinguish their functionality.
So, as you can see, we offer not only an exchange

What for? Because a very successful exchange requires a reliable payment gateway in order to maximize the flow of cryptocurrencies and satisfy the requirements of a wide range of users. Please note that our support goes far beyond ERC20-based tokens, and therefore, with our API, you can accept a huge amount of tokens and resources on your website or in the store. Everything about automated conversion, exchange, deposit, storage, off-chain matching mechanism ... you can read HERE (pp. 26–28)

A global online and offline community
To extend a helping hand even more, we strive to create our offices, or community centers, around the world. This will not only help us in effective contact, but you can also feel better secure.

HighBank organizes two types of community centers. One through online it will be like a webinar where all the ICOs listed in HighBank will be able to participate and share their opinions on how they will work together to succeed, and on the other hand it should be like offline sharing where ICO is listed HighBank will come together and organize some sort of question and answer session to discuss what is necessary.

These global community centers would also help us in our vision - to select and recruit perfect talent from around the world. In addition, if we ever realize that our team does not suit you, we can always hold remote sessions with experts from other continents.

Blockchain Consulting
If you are planning to launch an ICO, but you are not sure of any of the relevant areas, need some help in reducing your costs or in getting your business into a tight market, we can provide advice at very reasonable prices. Usually we assign each case to a member of the expert group. However, if necessary, depending on the scale of your project, we can select a team that will work with you on a daily or weekly basis to help you with this.

For the time to dedicate the High Crying eco crypto system to this ordinary world
2018 Q3
Concept Generation
The initial thought process, business plan, strategic plan & assembly of the minimum business team
2018 Q4
The strategic plan
Research & analysis, technology teams gather, compile the whitepaper with HighBank token creation
2019 Q1
Initial Coins (ICO) Offer
HighBank Partner Systems in operation, Wallets are decentralized with the upcoming ICO list on the HighBank platform with partnerships that are increasingly developing with other Blockchain startups
2019 Q2
Launch of the HighBank Crowdfunding Platform
Ability to come up with the upcoming ICO concept to launch crowdfunding through the Eco HighBank system, Product Enhancement and UAT Testing, Advanced Partnership, Advanced Business Team Assembling & Product Marketing.
2019 Q3
Procedure for Marketing Promotion Through the Launch of the HighBank Eco System
Decision on decentralization driven by the community, HighBank’s powerful marketing strategy for the upcoming ICO
2019 Q4
Launch of the HighBank Decentralized Beta Exchange
Multi cryptocurrency exchange trading system with advanced Partnership & product Marketing
2020 Q1
Decentralized HighBank Exchange in Production
Product Enhancement and UAT Testing with sustainable partnerships & product marketing
2020 Q2
Launch of the HighBank Consortium System
HighBank’s powerful consortium system to provide a successful strategy through aggregating various ICO platforms.
2020 Q3
Opening of the HighBank R & D Center
HighBank’s offline and online community center with R & D centers around the world.
2020 Q4
Launch of Beta Mainnet Version
Launch of Mainnet Beta Version of the HighBank Blockchain Platform
2021 Q1
HighBank Blockchain Mainnet Platform in Production
Migration of ERC20 HighBank Tokens to the HighBank Blockchain Platform


Author thewoyo10

ETH : 0xBf48642AEd041fD1E800C52d51246ca0227b3426

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