Projecton fuses the basic features of Blockchain technologies with Customer Relationship Management


Projecton is a Customer relationship Management (CRM) Platform designed to help investors, traders and market professionals develop customer relationships, drive business growth and improve customer loyalty.

In today’s era of advanced CRM, every organization needs a 360-degree view of their customers to deliver relevant experiences. In today's world, customers refuse to share sensitive data due to security and other threats as most of the CRM databases today are hosted on cloud servers. Of course, cloud safety protocols have come a long way, but cloud-security issues remain a prevalent concern. Centralized servers like Cloud are the preference for the traditional Customer Relationship Management thereby exposing business owners and customers to unnecessary risks.

Projecton is the future of Customer Relationship Management, because of its decentralized system. Our platform enables businesses to achieve their goals by helping them store huge amounts of data from their respective customers. Projecton assures that every piece of information is safely collected and impossible to be accessed by external abusers. Leakage of information and outside tampering is unlikely to happen, because of the distribution of all data. The Projecton platform can concentrate and organize relationships between companies and their customers, partners and any party associated with them. The platform will process every bit of data for businesses to consult rapidly and transparently. Financial institutions or any third-party won't be necessary due to our platforms automation.

What projecton can do?

Projecton can transform your business into an authentic oracle with all the information needed for its growth. As businesses win the power to control every aspect of their field, they also get to expand faster and more efficiently. Projecton will help its users to get a clear view of their customer's needs, for them to conduct successful marketing campaigns. Also, Projecton´s capability to store data efficiently, will enable companies to predict customers behaviors like consumption. The Projecton platform works differently from other platforms that function by copying data.
Duplicating information is one of the most significant factors that generates false statistics, promoting business instability. Our platform is enhanced by the Blockchain, winning the ability to provide real-time data. All data are appropriately collected, giving its users the most accurate information, promoting total stability for their businesses.

Projecton Token

The Projecton Token is issued on the ERC20 technology and fulfills multiple functions within the platform. ERC-20 defines a standard list of rules for all Ethereum tokens to follow. This special token empowers developers of all areas to predict how new tokens will function within the larger Ethereum structure. They are ERC20 compliant means that they are also compatible with third-party exchanges, as long as those are also compliant with the ERC20 standard. The Projecton Token works as fuel for our platform which unlocks all of its potential. Our token is flexible for our clients to have a maximized experience without compatibility issues.

Projecton is a Customer relationship Management (CRM) Platform designed to help investors, traders and market professionals develop customer relationships, drive business growth and improve customer loyalty. Projecton is the future of Customer Relationship Management, because of its decentralized system. Our platform enables businesses to achieve their goals by helping them store huge amounts of data from their respective customers. Projecton assures that every piece of information is safely collected and impossible to be accessed by external abusers. Leakage of information and outside tampering is unlikely to happen, because of the distribution of all data. The Projecton platform can concentrate and organize relationships between companies and their customers, partners and any party associated with them.

Our Vision

We have a vision of a world where businesses can predict all the needs of their customers, promoting a great relationship between them.

We are creating a decentralized customer relationship platform that will enable business owners, customers, companies, firms, etc, store information in an encrypted form and decide which information to share and with whom to share. Projecton fuses the basic features of Blockchain technologies with Customer Relationship Management, creating a much efficient system. Our Crm solution dapps have a customizable function which will enable the users to customize it the way that is suitable for them. Projecton seeks to deepen relationships between companies, customers, partners, suppliers and business colleagues.

Projecton is tokenized as xn35 token to be used in transactions by business owners Xn35 token can be used thus:

Online and offline merchant Will use xn35 for customer loyalty programs through our crm solution dapps.

We are building an exchange (crmex) where xn35 will be used as a trading pair to other altcoins and as a payment fee for tradings.

xn35 token will be used to subscribe for our crm solution dapps for monthly or yearly payment fees.

With projecton market solutions dapps, customers can purchase products with xn35 token and upon the purchase every transaction will be sent to the blockchain once validated (ie committed to blockchain). Pricing and products information will be displayed from our crm solution and as products are bought inventory will be updated in real time once committed to blockchain after which an invoice can be generated from our crm solution.

Projection The Future

Projecton decentrailized system key features :

Our Team

The Projecton Team combines a passion in industry experts & proven record in Software development and Blockchain. More of our team will be announced in Q1–2019

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