Product Protocol is an open source protocol that provides integration with all business processes


The ICO can be explained as the collection of offers for the public offering of a cryptographic. The ICOs are a kind of pawn. Organizations that want to introduce a cryptographic currency, an application or a product try to collect funds through the ICO. Interested investors invest in this project with cash or crypto coins. In exchange for the investments made, they will have another digital currency indicator, as clearly indicated in the ICO.

Experts in the field of finance believe that tokens will work in the future to provide excellent profitability. An organization with an ICO uses it as a way to promote the assets, objectives or location of a financial expert, or to create a digital currency. The new generation companies use the ICO to overcome the rigorous and specific capitalization procedure required by investors or banks.

A critical factor identified in the ICO is the immediate withdrawal of assets. In other words, things never look like ads. The speculators do not finance any stage of the creation of a product, they investigate its quality and they do not provide assets for the demonstration in several rounds of financing. The ICO guarantees that a large amount of money is collected, not only for the product, but also for the entire period of activity of the company. Therefore, an initiator of the ICO can continue to promise good things on his initiative, although in reality he has no budgetary control.

What is the product protocol?
Product Protocol is an open source protocol that provides integration with all business processes, fund management and financial operations, based on massive financing and massive debt campaigns. Product Protocol focuses on creating a platform that allows an entrepreneur to identify assets and create funds to scale.


The companies in the Product Protocol are more scalable than ever. A universal token for asset identification allows you to instantly create a digital entity and allow people from all over the world to buy it in a decentralized market.
The main problem in the current market is the deceptive data that create suspicions among the investors of the market. Undoubtedly, the inability to work, life, contraction is a measure of the business sector. 

The lack of adequate leadership and basic resources, the simplification of the tools of the managers and the rapid duplication of the market lead to an interest in more fundamental methods for basic leadership. The technologicalization of real monetary resources has possibilities of exponential growth and new opportunities. The quick and harmless confirmation is difficult to understand. With the participation in 2017, the annual income is from 500,000 to 5 million dollars.
In the Product Protocol, an organization affiliated with the Product Protocol, which uses two original advanced resources and square-chain technologies, will be announced as a non-centralized ad that benefits from the business to overcome existing problems.

In the Tokenma area, another procedure for financing progress will be implemented through an incentive for the business. This improves the fame for the real chain framework and real business options, and is interested in supporting different operational methods.
It can be used in the areas of resource identification, differentiation, digitalization, evaluation of complex criteria, selection of situations, responsibility to provide resources. This is a computerized life for members in the real economy, depending on the trade of hardened resources. This will confirm the possibility of building another world.

Currently, the use of the innovation of the square chain is reduced to the theory only by cryptographic processes and markers. Meanwhile, financial progress can be made on the basis that the advancement of development options and complexity meet the deep connections of the members.
The vision of the Product Protocol is to provide open contracts to most business growers. Except for the possibility of use, it can be considered that it reduces the time, reduces the costs associated with the danger and changes the guarantee chain. Or you can take advantage of the ready stage when you move an item or administration. 

Organizations that do not use square chains do not ignore the liquidity of the cryptographic market and avoid 90% of the problems identified by issuing their own markers. You can start using the migrated records, make attempts and open new markets.
The favorable conditions and benefits of Tokenization are the way to enter the advanced area of ​​advantage. In the event that a gain is decisive in the forward field, it is the type of assets. Any non-dynamic or non-slip welding can be considered. For example, nominal currency, securities, debt, transportation, construction of cities, real houses, etc.


The indication of responsibility for budgetary resources has a monetary impact, such as securitization related to money. In other words, it is becoming a coastal source that provides the opportunity to finance an open market. The agreement points to interests and advantages for the computerized: 
  • Location of access rights to data in sources. 
  • Ownership of profits is a rare independent property 
  • Obtain unnecessary information about asset agreements and data about resources and related market members 
  • Protection of data encryption and not approved. 
  • Robotization on the basis of adaptation contracts and business-oriented contracts. 
  • The maintenance, management and trade of stolen resources is a dispersed procedure within a square chain network. The system of administrators, developed by the innovation of the asset marker, can significantly increase the effectiveness of the use, reduce the potential of chance and the costs of the administrators.
Chip distribution
65 million PPO dollars are offered for sale with ICO. 5 million PPOs are dedicated to marketing efforts and payments from consultants. The platform will be supported with 15 million PPO. 15 million PPOs are reserved for the team. A total of 100 million PPO will be printed.


Distribution of funds
The 35 percent of the fund raised is dedicated to project developments and the fund of PP coins. A large part of the 30 percent is reserved for marketing and the first product that will be coined through the platform. 15 percent for the team, 10 percent for legal assistance, while another 10 percent for the technological assistance reserved for the division.


Road map
When we look at the project roadmap, the project idea matured from 2017 to mid 2018 and the team recovered.
In the third quarter of 2018, private interviews and marketing campaigns were carried out with the predecessors of the market.
In the last quarter of 2018 the MVP was presented. This is very valuable for an ICO that has not started. In addition, efforts have been made to guarantee private sales and integration with more than one company in the real sector in this period.

This year, we see that integration work with 10 companies in the real sector continues and this will continue until the third quarter. In addition, general sales and distribution of currencies will be made in this period.
In the last section of the roadmap, the opening of the platform from the third quarter of this year and the PPO will be included in the stock exchange. It is expected that the integration studies carried out with companies in the real sector will increase to more than 40 companies. And its objective is to make an international opening of a regional project.

The team members are very experienced and valuable people in their field. They have a team that supports the vision of the project.



By thewoyo10
ETH : 0xBf48642AEd041fD1E800C52d51246ca0227b3426

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