Trade on the Internet has come to depend solely on monetary organizations filling in as confided in outsiders to process electronic payments. While the framework functions admirably enough for most exchanges, despite everything it experiences the intrinsic shortcomings of the trust-based model. They ensure resources and set authoritative limits. They set up and confirm characters and annal occasions. They administer associations among countries, associations, networks, and people. They control administrative and social activity. But then these basic devices and the administrations framed to oversee them have not stayed aware of the economy’s advanced change. They’re similar to a busy time gridlock catching a Formula 1 race vehicle. In a computerized world, how we manage and keep up authoritative control needs to change. Blockchain vows to take care of this issue. The innovation at the core of bitcoin and other virtual monetary forms, blockchain is open, conveyed record that can record exchanges between two gatherings effectively and in an evident and lasting manner. The record itself can likewise be customized to trigger exchanges naturally.

What Exactly is Alchemy

Speculative chemistry is a main digital money payment arrangement and innovation supplier in the Asia Pacific that forces on the web and disconnected vendors with quick, secure and advantageous mixture crypto-fiat payment frameworks and arrangements.
The vision of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited (Alchemy is the brand name of Alchemy Global Payment Solutions Limited while ACH is the Token given by the Alchemy, and is utilized as the condensing beneath.) is to give open-source protocols and quick item advancement stages for the biological system accomplices to assist them with quick, secure, helpful, adaptable and quickly developing worldwide payment arrangements, in view of the decentralization, shrewd agreements and accord instruments from blockchain innovation.
Through the rich encounters of Alchemy and its eco-accomplices in portable payment applications, the group is certain to lead the payment business’ innovation application in the blockchain period and to utilize the arrangements where the conventional payment is well known with dealers.

Through decentralized brilliant agreement payment understandings and the motivating forces for the development abilities of different payment innovation organizations, the group expects to enact the human abundance of technical gifts, utilize the consent to arrive at the accord of the business network, and assurance the straightforward usage of standards with innovation, so the digital money can turn into a significant piece of the genuine exchange soon.
Speculative chemistry’s quality lies in the group’s profound comprehension of the payment business and operational experience. The group knows the worldwide payment innovation pattern of wallet payment, cross-outskirt obtaining, corporate finances accumulation, gathering answers for staggered circulation and other conventional payment programs. It has a great system in the tech network in Asian payments.


Speculative chemistry envisions that supported by decentralization, savvy agreements and accord system of blockchain, Alchemy would empower payment industry players to grasp the new time of payment innovation by completely using a progression of open-source protocols and open R&D stage to improve the effectiveness of cross-fringe payments; to give dealers and clients a quicker, progressively secure, increasingly advantageous, and progressively adaptable worldwide payment arrangement.


The Goal of Alchemy is to plan the payment protocol through network agreement, to manufacture a decentralized, trust controlled framework, to speed up the infiltration of digital currency into our day by day life; and above all to restore the privileges of payment to the shippers, the client, and the market.
One of the most crucial issues of customary payment systems is that legitimate FIAT monetary standards are the elite alternatives for exchanges. This at that point enables brought together organizations to hold control over the clearing and settlement forms.
As a decentralized open biological system, the Alchemy payment system gives access to different resources that can be sold, including however not restricted to different cryptographic forms of money, tokens, credit payments and purposes of credit specialist organizations, different types of computerized resources, and fiat monetary standards; at last opening up alternatives for exchanges and not restrain them to one single type of cash. We accept clients and dealers reserve the privilege to pick which cash to use for payment and repayments.

Technical Features

Speculative chemistry payment agreement protocol can be conveyed consistently on different open blockchains to empower the acknowledgment of any digital forms of money.
Adaptable payment models accessible to help industry needs, including PULLPAY (shipper to check client) to meet an assortment of membership-based and repeating payment demands.
Bolster scaling arrangements, for example, Lightning Network, Raiden Network, State Channel Network just as Cross-Chain Payments.
AI and AI to alleviate misrepresentation hazard and improve the security of the system and dynamic procedures to fence deterioration danger of cryptographic money cost.


Q1-Q3 2019
P1: Smart POS integration to accept payments in digital currency
P2: Receive payments on the MVP Lightning network
S1: stand-alone payment receipt solution for cryptocurrency
S2: POC trading to accept payments offline

Q4 2019
P4: Magento, WordPress, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Opencart, Zencart и т.д.
Q6: APPLICATION for Purchasing Bitcoin P2P v0.5
S3: Trading POC for online payments
S4: Online Digital Entertainment Solution v1.0 Released

Q1 2020
Q7: Alchemy Hub v0.5 released (Raiden Network and State Channel support)
Q8: Alchemy Hub APP V0.5 application released (Raiden Network and State Channel support)
Q9: Bitcoin P2P Purchase Application v1.0
C1: Aligned Alchemy Protocol Community Working Group is created; C2: Alchemy Aligned Protocol v0.5 released

2Q 2020
Q11: Alchemy Hub v1.0 released
Q12: Alchemy Hub APP v0.5 application released (PULLPAY support)
S5: PULLPAY Online Entertainment Digital Subscription Solution
S6: POC Merchants for PULLPAY Digital Entertainment Digital Subscription Solutions

3Q 2020
Q14: Alchemy Hub v1.5 released
Q15: Alchemy Hub V1.5 Application Released
S7: Multinational Solutions for Centralized Payment Acceptance

Q4 2020
Q17: Alchemy Hub v2.0 is released
Q18: Alchemy Hub APP v2.0 application released
S7: Alchemy Consensus Protocol v1.0 released

Q1 2021
Collaborate with business development, continuously repeating related products, solutions and the Alchemy Consensus Protocol


Patrick NGAN: CEO
Bean LIU: Partners / Project Management
Janet KIM: Partners / Strategies
Sean SHI: Partners / Products
Lance XU: Partners / Operations

Technical TEAM:

Chuan Liang: Director of Payment Technology
Huarong NIU: Director of Communication Technology
Kai WANG: Blockchain Technology Director
KT SOH: Singapore Technology Team Leader
Ryan TIPONES: Head of the Philippine Technology Team
Kim Aung Gan: Head of the Thailand Technology Team

Business team:

Judy L.I .: Director of Strategy and Operations
Erica LAM: Director of Business Development
Angie L.I., Head of North Asia
Glen LEONG: Head of Southeast Asia
John TAN: Main Account Manager

Consultants and investors:

Justin Jean: Big Data and Cryptography Scientist
Sean MOSS-PULTZ: Blockchain Security Scientist
Yang Mu: famous businessman
Sima Hinda Johnson: Blockchain Security Scientist
Natasha L.V .: Senior Compliance Specialist
Alan TIEN: Innovative Product Specialist
Kai Yee GOH: International money transfer expert
Lin L.I .: Strategic development expert


Based on the data and facts seen by Alchemy, it is very good to review and invest. This is based on the reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes all those who invest a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article that I made, so you can find out more about this project from them.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author ( thewoyo10 )
ETH Address : 0xBf48642AEd041fD1E800C52d51246ca0227b3426

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