The principle motivation behind Dexa Coin is to make the way toward sending and accepting cash quicker and more secure, simple openness for any individual who can utilize a cell phone gadget. This is finished by using blockchain innovation that will help encourage cash more than ever. By disposing of it, Dexa Coin rearranges the way toward sending and getting cash with a simple to-get heading that permits anybody with a fundamental comprehension of cell phone gadgets to move cash efficiently and without complexities. The APP will likewise incorporate a "Social Message Feature" which not just enables clients to speak with individuals they send cash as well, yet additionally to associate with companions and family.

DEXA COIN will hold their Pre-Sale between the 16th of SEP,2019 to 22nd of SEP,2019 on Probit Exchange.


Exploit the influence of blockchain innovation to rearrange the manner in which you give and get cash around the world. Any individual who is acquainted with utilizing cell phone gadgets must have the option to plan applications to be simple, simple to utilize and verify. 

The imaginative "Social Message Feature" from APP is utilized not exclusively to enable clients to speak with individuals who send cash, yet in addition to associate with loved ones. 

Dexa Coin is is an imaginative new business that streamlines sending and getting cash worldwide by giving a procedure to move installments legitimately, without experiencing different strides in the conventional manner. The entire exchange procedure isn't simple and quick. 

Dexa Coin has reformed the universe of money moves by consolidating blockchain innovation. Indeed, even in the cutting edge world, organizations and bank moves still utilize conventional techniques that are tedious and awkward. 

Feel better utilizing customary cash move strategies, poor consumer loyalty, so the whole procedure is the equivalent. 

Dexa Coin needs to go further by presenting the "Text Feature". This component enables clients to interface and speak with one another. 

Contenders and highlights that open the entryway to circumstances and potential outcomes are not accessible with vivid and novel highlights. 

Blockchain innovation 

The present innovatively propelled world requires a quick and quick technique for cash move for dire answers for cash issues. While customary strategies for cash move still exist and are being utilized by numerous people and organizations, the requirement for new innovation has risen. Blockchain innovation can take advantage of this need by giving answers for the most recent prerequisites of present day establishments. The utilization of blockchain innovation is changing the way toward moving client reserves. 

Blockchain innovation makes installment moves extremely simple and at last builds generally speaking profitability. 

What's more, while conventional techniques expect specialists to process endorsements and procedure installments, blockchain is the principle purpose behind customary strategies that are tedious, on the grounds that the blockchain totally dispenses with significant necessities. 

The blockchain structure is a main consideration that empowers the entire procedure to be done at a rapid, even effortlessly. Notwithstanding a simple and quick process, we expect to send cash to the world securely. Any individual who knows about cell phones can utilize their own application. This application is intended to be simple, simple to utilize and verify, as per Dexa Coin, CEO of Adnan Altaf. President, Bp. Altaf tracks the whole procedure from an application intended to send and get cash from start to finish, guaranteeing following and following cash moves. 

Dexa Coin application/Important features 

The Dexa coin application, with its cutting edge innovation, flawlessly interfaces the two gatherings together to make the whole installment move experience bother free. Dexa Coin APP accompanies a few highlights that together make the entire cash move process simple for its clients. A few exceptional highlights have been joined into the application that give upper hands to applications. Some intriguing highlights of the application are referenced underneath: 

Send and get cash around the world: 

Universal and national cash moves. You can send and get cash immediately or hold up at whatever point or from any place you need. All you need is a cell phone and a web association. That's it in a nutshell. The consolidation of new innovation makes the entire procedure of cash move. 

Moment Payment: 

Dexa Coin is a cash move stage that can be utilized for neighborhood and worldwide exchanges. This can be utilized anyplace whenever in a flash. Anticipating going out for supper? The most recent NFC and QR innovation permits numerous exchanges in different nations at the same time. 

Coordination with your financial balance: 

The Dexa Coin application permits smooth and quick coordination with most financial balances. This enables clients to interface the application to their installment card. For instance: Visa Card and Custom Card or Transfer Money from the application to their financial balance and the other way around. 


The Dexa Coin application guarantees the money related security and monetary data of its clients. This application accompanies a few highlights that guarantee the security of your cash and computerized wallet are not hindered at any exchange level. Unequaled security is one of Dexa Coin's top needs and the group is completely dedicated to giving a protected stage to its clients. Not at all like other cash moving organizations, the utilization of blockchain innovation profits exchanges simple as well as protected. 

Individual Privacy: 

Aside from all the security highlights added to the application, it likewise ensures your protection. The Dexa Coin application guarantees total protection of its clients. The texting highlight has 'Start to finish encryption'. This confines access to any outsider and guarantees messages stay between the two related gatherings. Moreover, it is furnished with traits that distinguish and battle unapproved access to installment exchanges. 

Texting highlights: 

The component that gives Dexa Coin an upper hand and makes it stand apart among its rivals is the 'Text Feature'. Texting is a social element that enables clients to keep in contact with family, companions or anybody they send cash to. This specifically causes them get and convey updates identified with cash moves. In spite of the fact that this component can be utilized by individuals for different individual purposes, this element is exceptionally useful for business clients or directors who need to keep up business relations with customers and need to stay in contact with numerous customers all the while in regards to different installments. This gives clients an unmatched degree of correspondence that can't be accomplished by different platforms. 

Issues with Traditional Methods 

Envision you need to send cash starting with one spot then onto the next, state US possibly? In the event that you need to send $ 100 to a companion in the US, what amount do you figure he will get? You don't have the foggiest idea. It is difficult to figure in view of some shrouded costs forced by cash sending organizations. There are many shrouded costs that accompany the decrease on the grounds that the swapping scale creates the entire measure of cash you need to diminish. Regardless of whether a Money Transfer Operator (MTO) offers a free rate, the swapping scale is in every case too weakened which at last makes up for the lost commission. Aside from their high payments, there are different elements that make the entire experience remorseful. These variables incorporate innovation, hierarchical structure, standards, guidelines, and generally speaking cost. 

Aside from these components, this MTO doesn't offer the degree of protection and security mentioned by clients as a result of touchy money related data and exchanges. 

In spite of the fact that there are a few weaknesses to the conventional cash transport technique referenced above, there are an enormous number of people and organizations who still pick the customary strategy just to get got up to speed and burning through profitable time. 

Referenced underneath are a portion of the major shortcomings of conventional cash move strategies: 

Increasingly costly: 

Customary cash move strategies are normally progressively costly. 

Sitting around: 

The customary way which incorporates a few organizations and banks gives moderate administrations. Customary techniques are tedious in view of the nearness of delegates all the while. The broker is the principle explanation behind hindering the sending and accepting of installments. Also the time squandered when rounding out cash move structures and all systems to demonstrate one's character. 

Restricted Accessibility: 

Organizations and bank cash moves offer administrations for a restricted period. Predetermined number of days and hours. They don't offer every minute of every day administration. Likewise, they are shut on a few occasions and all ends of the week. This implies you probably won't have the option to send or get cash if your cash crisis happens after the official time or on specific occasions. 

High likelihood of misrepresentation: 

In the course of recent years there has been an expansion in the quantity of tricks with tricksters gaining admittance to control and following numbers. 

CONCLUSION, To put it plainly, customary cash move techniques have neglected to make up for lost time with the requirement for innovatively propelled world cash moves. They are moderate, shaky and costly. Interestingly, Dexa Coin with blockchain as its spine innovation gives the ideal, sheltered, quick, and a lot less expensive answer for all issues and cash move necessities. Go further and give a one of a kind element to its clients, the "Text Feature" that enables clients to keep in contact with companions and family for individual and expert needs. Along these lines, Dexa Coin with new includes that are productive and inventive is prepared to alter the round cash move.


Token Name: DEXA

Type: Utility

Platform: Ethereum 


Price: 1 DEXA = 0.00005 USD

Soft Cap: 400,000 USD

Hard Cap: 2,300,000 USD

Start Date: 2019-10-1

End Date: 2019-10-30


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