
Canlead Limited was registered on December 14, 2016 in the United Kingdom (Regulation No. 10524761) for the supply of software and services. Canlead has created and maintained Canlead Beta since 2018. Qindel Group is a technology consulting partner based in Madrid, Spain, and works with Canlead, using their technology to improve our capabilities. We strive to create economical application platforms for exchanging data through the Internet and contribute to the 4th Industrial Revolution. As a result, Canlead invests in the development of distributed technology in the future, blockchain, AI, and leads the community towards a better and smarter future.

Canlead's goal is to integrate and enhance the concept of social networking, economic sharing, ecosystem tokens, and provide developers with the ability to create consensus applications that have standardization, scalability, and interoperability. Canlead did this by creating the latest multi-party motivational system in which everyone on the web was interested in appreciation thanks to a system of rewards and opportunity sharing and translation. Product sales and a specific set of people depend on companies or individuals to connect unique opportunities with talented candidates or organizations. Despite the fact that the system works quite well for most transactions, there are still weak points in the model based on trust, speed of delivery and dispute.


Vision and mission:

Direction, recommendations and word of mouth have become the norm in the way people from the beginning direct others to marketing and recruitment. Today, technological progress has reached a point where opportunities can be changed, shared, referenced, and accepted in a decentralized network. With this implementation, Canlead seeks to provide incentives for people to share and get whatever opportunities they find in the chain.

CANLEAD advantages and features:

CANDLEAD First shares good opportunities with the economic model.a solution for everyone in the world to generate income by attracting people good technology introduction using blockchain technology have good transparency which carries out risk management as well good reputation and responsible platform It is very safe to control customer evidence and confidentiality

CANLEAD Details:
  • Token Name: CAND
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Type: Utility
  • Price: $ 0.0333
  • Tokens for sale: 1,000,000,000 CAND
  • For sale: 600,000,000 CAND
  • Hardcap: $ 20,000,000
  • 2019-06-01 - 2019-08-01
  • Starting in 29 days 11 hours
  • 2019-08-02 - 2019-10-01
  • Get ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Minimum investment of 100 USD
  • Great Britain
  • KYC / KYC & White List Whitelist
  • US Forbidden Zone, China
Details of all CANLEAD commands:
  • Michael Quan, Founder and CEO
  • Siri Narasimham, Business Director
  • Nito Martinez, Technical Director
  • Dan Dale, Business Development Manager
  • Philip Berdovsky, Community Manager
  • Guilherme Mook, PR and Public Relations Manager
  • Asher Louis, ICO Software Consultant
  • Irina Spekman, ICO Advisroy Board, business strategy and financing
  • Michael Credon, ICO Advisory Board, Marketing and Fundraising Consultant
  • Peter Gold, ICO Advisory Board, HR Advisory

March 2018

Canlead ICO Business Case Approved
March - September 2018

MVP, product suitability test on the market
October - January 2019

ICO team preparation, planning and preparation
February - July 2019

ICO switches to IEO, website, white paper, airdrop & bounty
August - December 2019

Selling IEO tokens, airdrop & bounty, community management
January - March 2020

Ready to sell, develop, and IEO token capabilities run on TestNet
Apr - June 2020

Solution of 

blockchain problems; * Tokenization opportunities based on Canlead Opportunity Sharing Economy Model. 
* Gain and share social networks and dignity 
* Opportunities for proof and remittance resolution. 
* Increase transparency and reduce opportunity waste in multi-billion dollar markets. 
* Provide access to high quality features at a low cost globally. 
* Reduce the complexity of payments, cross-border payments, billing and settlement.


Launched on MainNet, sales and marketing opportunities are ready

So, this time when I write about the Canlead project, I hope it will be useful for those of you who want to learn about this project, for more detailed information about the Canlead project you can follow the link below

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